CEE Veranstaltungen – Centre for E-commerce Expertise

Lufapak is a fulfillment service provider in the eCommerce sector. We found out that especially small and medium-sized Internet mail order companies do not consider the complexity of the logistical processing and that there is a lot of potential for savings here. Together with our network and partners, we would like to give interested companies and people the opportunity in every two months recurring events to find out about various topics free of charge and to build a network.

The eCommerce event for founders, startups and medium-sized companies in Neuwied and the surrounding area.

Almost every second German has already shopped at Zalando or Amazon. Why? “Because it’s easy, says Roland Grohmann, COO at Lufapak”. “Because the processes are well thought out and run flawlessly and because you can find almost everything you need. A lot has changed for founders and entrepreneurs due to the easy availability of goods on the Internet – instead of competing regionally with a few providers, they are now competing on the Internet against international corporations. We want to revive the start-up scene in northern Rhineland-Palatinate. And there it is important to employ competence. ”

New expert center for eCommerce

The Center for E-commerce Expertise (CEE) wants to close this gap. Once a month, experts from the field will present relevant topics. The lectures are compact and to the point. Depending on the topic, they last between 60 and 90 minutes. Afterwards there is the opportunity to exchange ideas with speakers and participants over a small snack.

The events are free of charge for the participants and start at 6 p.m. on the premises of Lufapak GmbH, Carl-Borgward-Straße 20, Neuwied. There are enough parking spaces. Since the number of participants is limited, registration at anmeldung@lufapak.de or 02631/384-102 is required.

You can find all dates and topics beforehand here on www.lufapak.de, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin or XING .

We look forward to you!

New year, new CEE

With Rüdiger Marketing-God and Social Media Guru Frankenberger

“How you can achieve your marketing goals with clever content strategies!”

All details can be printed out here

Read the report from the last CEE

The 20th lecture evening at the CEE – when marketing meets sales!

Something new has come up in Neuwied.

But read for yourself:

Everything has been going well for years at Westwoodchocolate GmbH, a hidden champion from the picturesque Westerwald town of Hinterwald in the Pfefferminzhang industrial area. Product classics such as Santa Clauses and Easter bunnies made from the finest chocolate have been the top sellers for many years.

Everyone is satisfied, but then the unthinkable happens: Kevin, the owner’s nephew, starts his internship at the company.

Now the real problems begin for CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Rüdiger F. Berger and also for CSO (Chief Sales Officer) sales manager Klaus W. Ächter. A new product is developed quickly and has to be brought onto the market. Who is the target group? Where are the customers? Which strategy? And what actually happens when marketing meets sales – and vice versa?

       Waechter PngCee Frankenberger Marketing

Berger and Ächter, with completely different views, but still with a common goal, bring the typical problems and conflicts to light and bring them to the stage in an entertaining way. A fictitious company with a fictitious product and certainly parallels to other companies. Experience 90 minutes of pure entertainment with two experts from marketing and sales. You can smile, laugh and also cry! Afterwards there will be plenty of time and opportunity for the guests to discuss with Berger and Ächter as well as all the guests concerned.

Note: Similarities to real people, real companies and / or colleagues are no coincidence and are entirely intentional!

Barcode – the key to the digital world

GS1 standards such as the barcode and the international article number shown therein or the EPC electronic product code are essential components for smooth communication between companies.

Barcode Ean Cee Gs1

The electronic data exchange EDI is the linchpin for fast, error-free and secure processes along the entire value chain. GS1 Germany develops recommendations for the implementation of the standards, advises companies individually and, in addition to numerous publications, also offers training courses and conferences.

Guido Linden, Sales Manager at GS1Germany, explains the system and the advantages of the barcode, including clear and practical examples. And GS1Germany is already a giant. More than two million companies around the world are already using the barcodes on the GS1. Only GS1 Germany, as the official registry, offers the original EAN (GTIN), with which you are guaranteed to be able to clearly label products worldwide. The CEE guests can expect an exciting lecture, certainly interesting for startups and existing companies.

Roland Grohmann from the organizer Lufapak: “I’m looking forward to the lecture. Hardly any company focuses on the subject of barcodes

Finance and accounting in the digital world

Accounting is also a complex topic in eCommerce, everyone is aware. But very few online retailers want to still file all their receipts and use collected works for Tax advisories. For many, however, this is still part of everyday life. In a digital world, it has to be done differently!


This is what David Väth, head of sales at picologic GmbH, claims and shows us impressively, how this problem becomes as comfortable as normal online order nowadays. How important security and order is in this process, David makes it clear again and underlines this statement with the intelligent tools and processes in the Software solution SMARIDA from picologic.

Accounting in the digital age on the web platform and on the Smartphone will replace traditional accounting, and with it also going to the tax advisor. But let’s be honest, as an online retailer
we don’t deliver our own packages either.

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“After all, there are also solutions for this”, as Roland Grohmann, COO of the organizer & logistics provider LUFAPAK, at the subsequent CEE factory tour in the impressive Warehouses explained. And so an interesting evening with an interesting lecture, tour and networking comes to an end …


E-commerce, boom and consumer expectations

Effects for the transport service providers and shipping industry

When shopping online, Germans attach great importance to a convenient and transparent shipping process. Ideally, the delivery should be as quick as possible, but at least a delivery time should be communicated in advance. However, this should be in line with expectations, because 48 percent of the German respondents have already canceled an order because the specified delivery time was too long for them. 67 percent have already preferred one online retailer to another because they could simply offer more delivery options. It is particularly astonishing that even cheaper products do not prevent customers from switching to a provider with better delivery options: 48 percent of German online shoppers have already visited another online shop shortly before placing an order where the product in question was more expensive , but the delivery options met their expectations.

Consumer expectations

Hardly any other area has undergone such change in recent years as logistics. Customers expect fast and reliable delivery. And consumers have high expectations when it comes to processing returns. Young companies and startups in particular underestimate this topic. In his presentation, Eitel Schamari outlines the expectations of buyers and the options DPD has to meet these requirements. In particular, the DPD expert presents B2C solutions and the changes in the network, with interesting approaches for discussions “what do I want as a seller and what does the buyer want and how do I get things brought together”.

The Speaker

With 57-year-old Eitel Schamari, the CEE has hired an absolute expert. The speaker has spent a large part of his professional life at DPD. The participants can look forward to an interesting, entertaining lecture with examples from practice.


With the topic “Brand Performance – Markets Meets Sales”, all participants will be given an overview of the new, modern possibilities.

Insights are presented on how you can find exactly the target group you are looking for with good branding in the digital environment. Because only those who understand the medium and the methods and know what really matters can use the enormous potential of today. Using potential also means using marketing, especially online and content marketing.

Be open to new ideas and spend reduced but channeled budgets. But don’t be afraid of too many numbers! Modern tools quickly and easily give you real-time access to all data and you know where your sales are coming from. There will also be a small digression with helpful tips and explanations in terms of Google AdWords and Google Shopping.

Hans Albu Sanmiguel is an expert in authentic brand building & branding. He has been the owner of the successful branding agency SANMIGUEL in Munich for 10 years and shows his customers how to win new customers and employees with holistic branding and sustainable strategies.

Florian Ibe is a performance optimizer with a wide range of design & technology services. He has been the owner of the successful marketing and advertising agency pictibe near Cologne for almost eight years. The media consulting and solution from the company name applies here completely, because only the right advice leads to the goal.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon – we leave our data everywhere. The collection of this data, which we are sometimes more and sometimes less aware of, is being viewed increasingly critically by consumer advocates and private individuals alike. For companies, the data collected and made available again can form a basis for decision-making and thus actually be worth money and decide on success or failure.

Who says data is not sexy ?!

It does not always have to be “big data” – looking at data that is highly relevant is, however, the be-all and end-all of the Internet.

So let’s trade gut instinct for facts.

Our speaker will explain to us:

  • How much data do we produce?
  • Which data can we use as a company?
  • How can we better tailor our online offers to our target groups?

“I translate numbers into language,” says Nadine Huss Schäfer about herself and her work. She has been working as a lecturer for various institutions since 2001, has already carried out training courses for large corporations across Germany and written concepts relating to the topic of “monetization” in start-ups.

At WERK 70, she has been responsible for concepts and analysis relating to the appearance of companies on the Internet since 2011.

Learn sales from a professional! At the Lufapak CEE on March 27th, 2017 Klaus Wächter, consultant and partner of the THINK Group, is 1st chairman of the Business Angels Rhineland-Palatinate and scout of the High-Tech-Gründerfonds. He is well versed in the startup scene, sales professional and is involved in several startups himself. More than 20 new business ideas land on his desk every month. He is also a regular mentor and member of the jury at startup Weekends.

Secure the future of your company with innovative strategies and ideas or Why you shouldn’t call your child Alexa.

Wächter sees major problems facing German SMEs – especially if they still rely on conventional sales concepts. Wächter says: “Young founders often look for dusty industries and turn them inside out with new approaches – especially with regard to sales and customer approach. When these startups are on the market, dramatic sales losses are inevitable for medium-sized companies. ”In his lecture, he brings many examples from the current start-up scene.

The expert explains: “It is of no use if your company has been on the market for over 100 years and is currently still doing well. You can be gone in two years. ”Even world market leaders such as Nokia have not been spared from this development. In his lecture, Wächter spoke openly about where there are deficits among medium-sized companies in Germany. But he also gives the old economy tips, hints and recommendations for action on how to react now. The possibilities are there!

CEE on February 14th 2017 a great success!

“We’re slowly reaching our limits when it comes to the premises,” beamed Managing Director Roland Grohmann. The CEE invited on February 14th, 2017 and everyone came. The exciting topic: “10 years of Facebook – opportunities and risks of social media for medium-sized companies”.

With Rüdiger Frankenberger, the Neuwied company has once again conjured a top speaker out of the hat. Frankenberger, who has worked as a lecturer, specialist author and consultant for various institutions in Germany and Switzerland since 2003, has more than 25 years of experience in social media and marketing. His lecture began with a brief review of 10 years of social media. He then reported on the current status of marketing and social media, which tools are established and which social networks are in store for us.

The audience showed great interest in the chapter on developments, trends and changed media use, communication and information behavior of different target groups in Germany and the differences in D / EU / USA at a glance. Finally, Frankenberger went into typical mistakes and stumbling blocks in social media (B2B) and always gave new impulses.

The subsequent discussion among the participants showed the different views on the topic. All visitors to the CEE were impressed by the evening. Grohmann says: “The CEE was a test balloon that we launched a year ago. In the meantime, it has become an integral part of the Neuwied event calendar. ”And Grohmann has already found space in his company for larger numbers of participants.

The next CEE will take place on March 27th, 2017. The exciting topic of “Securing the future of your company with innovative strategies and ideas or why you shouldn’t call your child Alexa” is sure to attract many interested parties to Carl-Borgward-Strasse in Neuwied.

“Best Practice: From the Idea to the Online Shop”

Best practice example: a young man walks through Amsterdam and sees a cool wooden glasses. He inspires 3 friends and 2 months later the shop is online. A shop with wooden glasses and wooden watches. And everything is organized in such a way that the team only needs to take care of Marketing. Andreas Wächter, CEO of eCommit, talks about partners and experiences, goals and visions. Especially those interested in founding a company or newcomers to the online shop area can learn from the one-hour lecture. Then there is the chance to ask questions.

Eye tracking – see what your customers see

This can be done? The audience in the fully occupied Lufapak seminar room awaited the lecture on the subject of eye tracking with a little disbelief. In short, eye tracking is about recording eye movements. The sales manager of the Koblenz-based company EYEVIDO, Klaus Wächter, clearly explained the topic. The aim is to determine where the customer is looking in the first few seconds. Be it on the poster, on the flyer, on the website or in a film. In the first few seconds in particular, the user decides whether to stay on the website, for example, or to move to a competitor. It became exciting when a study was carried out live and a volunteer from the audience registered as a test subject. A pin could be heard dropping during the study. On the other hand, there was heated discussion among the participants during the evaluation.

Barbara Geißler from the event team was completely satisfied with this evening. “Today we have a completely new topic in our series of seminars. Like all participants, I was positively surprised at the speed with which the study was carried out. And I was particularly enthusiastic about the evaluation ”. And so one can assume that there will be other formats at the CEE in Neuwied that will delight the participants.

Register now!

The event is free of charge for you. However, we ask you to register in writing using the contact form.

We will inform you via Facebook when an event is taking place.

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    Why CEE?

    Compared to stationary retail or traditional mail order, the eCommerce industry is growing rapidly. Almost 70 percent of goods or services are bought on the Internet and the trend is rising. Small and medium-sized companies in particular have the opportunity to use the World Wide Web as a dynamically growing sales channel, to increase sales and to address new customer groups. But the successful entry into eCommerce requires basic knowledge, which is often missing in the companies.

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